We are a farming family with our feet in the clay and sand and between the cows. With the old generation still cooperating with 25 years of practical experience as a practical grower and as a consultant. And now together with the young entrepreneurs with the knowledge of deployable innovative techniques.
Oomen Dairy Engineering :
The older generation with a lot of knowledge and experience together with the young generation with the innovative power and knowledge of AGRO ENGINEERING.
For decades we have implemented innovations in forage cultivation in practice. And through trial and error, they learned a lot from various new (protein and roughage) crops. We really know what we're talking about. And not from the 'books', but from hard practice. As early as 2004 we had 7 hectares of trial fields with many protein and other concentrate crops. And we have been engaged in research and contract work for the optimization of soil maintenance, forage cultivation, forage harvesting and rationing for 30 years. We are the real specialists.
We don't just come to listen and give advice. We also help you to implement points for improvement. We only provide the best guidance for everything that you, or your contractor, can carry out. But we can carry out specific activities that only occasionally need to be performed with specialist machines. Especially aimed at good soil maintenance of your plots. Our young generation is continuously working on new technology innovations with, among others, Fliegl, John Deere, Krone and EversAgro in equipment for soil maintenance and forage harvesting and harvesting.
Feed costs are the most pressing costs on your (milk) balance. Every (dairy) farmer knows that. Every kilogram of Raw Protein, starch, minerals and other nutritional values that you collect from your own land/crop is a direct reduction in purchase costs. Healthy feed ensures healthy livestock. And low feed purchases mean less manure sales. In short, with good guidance and advice soil & cultivation optimization you can earn tens of thousands of euros per year. Our costs are only a small fraction of that.